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Notion Formulas: The Versatile if() Function

The if() function is among the most versatile and widely used functions in Notion and other spreadsheet tools. By allowing you to return values according to specified conditions, it bolsters your ability to automate properties and streamline your operation.

This guide presents the fundamentals of if(), then explores a few practical examples whose principles can be applied widely. For your reference, those examples are available as a template on Notion Market.

Here's what you'll learn:

What's a Notion function?

If you're new to Notion functions, consider starting with Meet Notion's Formula Property and Formulas for Work: Part 1. If you just need a refresher, here's an overview:

What's the if() function?

The if() function is a special type of function that returns values based on specified conditions. Simply stated: if Condition A is true, return Value X; otherwise, return Value Y.

Take an exam score, for example: If Score is at least 80%, return Pass; otherwise, return Fail.

Notion Database: Exam Score Statuses

To accomplish this, if() accepts three arguments:

  1. An expression that evaluates to a boolean (true or false)
  2. The value to return if Argument 1 evaluates to true
  3. The value to return if Argument 1 evaluates to false

The first argument typically compares values using comparison operators, such as >, , == and !=. Almost always, one or more of the compared values is a reference to another property. In our example, the exam score is drawn from another property in the database. Therefore, if() takes these arguments:

  1. prop("Score") ≥ 8
  2. "Pass"
  3. "Fail"

Here's the full formula:

if( prop("Score") ≥ 8, "Pass", "Fail" )

For the first argument, you can create complex comparisons using the and() and or() functions. So long as it evaluates to a single true or false, you can make the expression as elaborate as needed.

Additionally, you can specify more than two conditions by "nesting" if() functions. I illustrate this in the following examples.

Automatically grade exams.

By using "child" if() functions within the arguments of "parent" if() functions, we can create more than two possible outcomes. This is known as "nesting." Building on the previous example, this allows us to assign a letter grade to each exam score.

Argument 3 of if() specifies the value to return if Argument 1 is false. If we use an inner if() statement as Argument 3, we can add an additional condition. Consider this series of conditions:

We can construct this with an if() function as the third argument of outer if() function:

  prop("Score") >= .9,
    prop("Score") >= .8,

This format makes it easy to identify arguments and nested functions. To paste into Notion, eliminate the line breaks by pasting into your browser's address bar, then re-copying.

Notion Database: Exam Grades

"C" is the third argument of the nested if(). Therefore, you can create scenarios for "D" and "F" by adding further nested if() functions:

  prop("Score") >= .9,
    prop("Score") >= .8,
      prop("Score") >= .7,
        prop("Score") >= .6,

At each step, we know that all previous conditions are false.

Automate project status.

For dashboards and filtered database views, it's helpful to assign a status to projects, such as "Planned," "In Progress" and "Complete."

Using Relation and Rollup properties, you can automatically calculate the progress of a project as a percentage of its completed tasks. An if() function can then reference that "Progress" property to populate "Status."

Notion Project Status

If Progress is 0%, Status is "Planned." If Progress is 100%, Status is "Complete." Otherwise, Status is "Active."

With just one nested if(), we can compose this formula:

  prop("Progress") == 0,
    prop("Progress") == 1,

Automatically prioritize tasks with The Eisenhower Matrix.

The Eisenhower Matrix is a system of prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. You designate each task as either "Important" or "Not Important," and "Urgent" or "Not Urgent," and the matrix instructs you to "Do," "Schedule," "Delegate" or "Eliminate."

The Eisenhower Matrix

With a Notion database and the if() function, you can automate this process and sort your tasks by priority.

Eisenhower Matrix with Notion

A database of tasks has a Select property called "Importance" with two options: "Important" and "Not Important." Another Select property, "Urgency," has the options "Urgent" and "Not Urgent."

A Formula property, "Priority," references Impact and Urgency to return an action for each task. In natural language, the formula says:

To achieve this, we us an if() function for Argument 2 and Argument 3 of an outer if():

  prop("Urgency") == "Urgent",
    prop("Importance") == "Important",
    prop("Importance") == "Important",

To keep the Priority property of unpopulated tasks empty, we can use the full formula above as Argument 3 of an outer if() that uses or() and empty() to test whether Urgency or Importance is blank:

  or( empty(prop("Urgency")), empty(prop("Importance"))),
    prop("Urgency") == "Urgent",
      prop("Importance") == "Important",
      prop("Importance") == "Important",

Once prioritized, it's helpful to sort tasks by their priority. To so, we can add another Formula property, Priority Order, which returns a number for each possible priority.

Order Notion Database by Priority

In natural language:

Here's the formula:

  prop("Priority") == "Do",
    prop("Priority") == "Delegate",
      prop("Priority") == "Schedule",

You can then sort your tasks by Priority Order (ascending), then hide the property.

Questions? Tweet @WilliamNutt.

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